The Channeldraw newsletter
«This is a place of work. If you are not working, then get on the streets and rebel.»
From Thursday, January 26, 2023, the spaces of Prometeo Gallery Ida Pisani present Line of Duty: a double solo exhibition by artists Badiucao (China, 1986) and Gianluca Costantini (Ravenna, 1971). The exhibition project is configured as the natural continuation of a dialogue between two artists geographically distant, yet close in vocation and language, united by a gaze always ready to confront the social and geopolitical contradictions of the present. It is no coincidence that Badiucao and Costantini met on Twitter, sharing an ‘other’ space that, in a time when borders are getting stronger and inequalities are increasing, has the possibility of creating fissures: glimpses of expressive freedom in which political militancy can condense into words and images that, as in a great Global Square, circulate from hand to hand and from screen to screen, germinating a shared awareness. Continue

Mi sono svegliato presto, un’inaugurazione mi aspetta a Pesaro, un evento particolare. C’è un prima: sono già stato varie volte in questa città per parlare di diritti umani. C’è un gruppo di Amnesty che si è affezionato al mio lavoro di disegnatore e che crede che sia utile per fare educazione civica con i ragazzi e non solo. Questo mi rende felice e sempre disponibile per le loro iniziative. L’evento di oggi è particolare perché rimarrà, permanentemente, nella scuola. La professoressa Paola Moresco in collaborazione con Cristina Campagna di Amnesty Pesaro cercano sempre nuove idee per coinvolgere i ragazzi e le ragazze nella conoscenza dei diritti umani.
Questa volta l’idea è quella di allestire una mostra al Liceo Mamiani che raccoglie i 60 ritratti che ho realizzato per l’anniversario dei 60 anni di Amnesty e che sono stati raccolti nel libro “Human Right Portraits” pubblicato da BeccoGiallo. I 60 ritratti devono accogliere gli studenti, tutti i giorni, all’entrata della scuola. Centoventi occhi incroceranno gli sguardi degli studenti e delle studentesse. Continua
6 place de la République, 67070 Strasbourg
Depuis les années 1990, la BD connaît une évolution passionnante dans ses formes et dans la multitude des sujets qu’elle aborde. La narration du réel devient un genre en soi qui flirte avec le journalisme et s’engage dans des problématiques sociétales.
Le phénomène s’est accéléré au tournant du siècle, avec l’explosion du roman graphique. Parallèlement, de plus en plus de journalistes choisissent la BD pour rendre compte de leur travail, que celui-ci prenne la forme de reportage, d’enquête, etc. La BD leur ouvre un nouvel espace narratif dans lequel l’écriture et le dessin sont fréquemment complétés par des photos, des documents d’archive qui s’insèrent dans les planches.
L’intention de l’exposition est de présenter ce genre protéiforme à travers un parcours illustré par des œuvres marquantes choisies pour leurs qualités graphiques et narratives, leur engagement mais aussi la variété des thématiques abordées. On y retrouvera des œuvres de Nakazawa, Spiegelman, Costantini, Sacco, Montellier, Satrapi, Guibert, Montellier, Lepage, Coco, Catel, Sattouf, A. Teuf, Delisle, J. Béhé… Continue
Femme Vie Liberté, un projet à découvrir mercredi 8 mars, 2023
Initié par le Musée d’Art Moderne et le Palais de Tokyo, Femme Vie Liberté met en lumière 100 affiches créées dans l’urgence souvent de manière anonyme, à découvrir du 8 au 12 mars au musée. Ces affiches pourront être emportées par les dimanche 12 mars après-midi.
#ZanZendegiAzadi, #FemmeVieLiberté, depuis cinq mois ces mots sont synonymes de lutte et d’espoir pour les Iraniennes et Iraniens qui se battent pour leur liberté et pour leurs droits, au prix de leur vie et de celle de leurs proches.
La mort de Mahsa Amini, jeune femme kurde tuée par la police des mœurs le 16 septembre 2022, a déclenché un mouvement de protestation qui s’est emparé de toutes les villes d’Iran. Nombre de femmes iraniennes sont descendues dans la rue, soutenues par les hommes pour crier leur colère face au régime et à la loi instaurée depuis la révolution islamique de 1979. Toutes et tous réclament plus de libertés, notamment la fin du port du voile obligatoire, et des changements profonds dans le pays.
Le régime iranien répond par la violence, la répression, la torture et inflige aux personnes arrêtées de lourdes peines, menant parfois à la condamnation à mort. Continue
Asian Art Museum in San Francisco
January 26-28, 2023
6PM-10PM Nightly
A large-scale projection in support of the women-led Iranian civil rights movement illuminates the museum’s façade with 30 powerful artworks.
ArtRise Collective, in collaboration with Mozaik Philanthropy, presents Woman Life Freedom, a public art projection featuring 30 artworks by anonymous international artists. Projected onto the façade of the Asian Art Museum, these works respond to the systemic gender inequality and discrimination that cuts across class, religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and generations in Iran.
Since September 2022, women have been leading a peaceful civil rights protest movement in both large urban centers and small rural villages across Iran, garnering the support of global diaspora populations. The movement’s slogan, “Woman, Life, Freedom,” chanted at the funeral of Jina Mahsa Amini in the province of Kurdistan, is drawn from the Kurdish women’s freedom movement. As a gesture of solidarity, artists in the exhibition have created artworks reflecting the movement’s central, intersectional message: that a struggle for women’s right to self-determination affirms human dignity.
This event will be held on three consecutive nights, Thursday 1/26 – Saturday 1/28, from 6 until 10 PM.
ArtRise Collective brings together cultural organizers, scholars, and justice advocates to support public art projects that amplify the message of the protesters in solidarity with the movement. Through a global open call in collaboration with Mozaik Philanthropy, a powerfully resonant selection of artworks made within Iran and across its borders has been curated by a review process preserving the artists’ anonymity. Additional artworks were commissioned to reflect the diversity of the movement. Given that many of the exhibited artists reside in Iran and in consideration of the significant risks involved for those who support the protest movement, all of the art will be shown anonymously. Continue
Draw Festival
16 - 26 March, 2023
Barbican Center, London
The Human Rights Watch Film Festival, now in its 27th year in London, presents a lineup of 10 award-winning, international documentary films in partnership with Barbican Cinema, and generously supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
The festival program, presented in person at the Barbican from March 16-24, includes in-depth Q&As and panel discussions with filmmakers, film participants, activists, and Human Rights Watch researchers following all screenings. The films will also be available to catch up digitally across the UK and Ireland on the festival website from March 20-26. Tickets go on sale to Barbican and Human Rights Watch members on February 15 and to the public on February 16. Continue